Bitcoin Smoke Shop
At, we proudly accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies including Litecoin, Ethereum and MotaCoin. By choosing to checkout using our ‘Bitcoin/Altcoin’ payment method, your check out process ends up being much faster and more secure. Orders processed using cryptocurrencies such as, Bitcoin and Motacoin, are shipped out much quicker than orders processed with Credit / Debit Cards.
How Do You Order Using Bitcoin?
It’s easy.
Choose Bitcoin / Crypto as your payment method.
Send total to the address listed at checkout.
Place the order.
The total received should match the price at the time the order was placed. If it is less, the order will be on hold until the amount is paid in full. If you have any questions,
Crypto Accepted Here
What is Cryptocurrency?
Cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are designed using what is called “Blockchain technology”. This technology allows payments to be processed much quicker, in addition, to being more secure than centralized payments. This is possible due to a decentralized, peer-to-peer network. Each transaction is verified using mathematical calculations by a “miner’s” hardware. Each verification is made simultaneously by several peers within the network. As a result, this allows the transactions to settle successfully within minutes.
Check out the video below for a more in depth explanation on the process of Bitcoin and how it became as popular as it is today.